Walk over patches of grass grass patch with use wasd to play to reveal a path!

Path 1

We're going to focus on rebuilding our whole website and making it more interactive and appealing! this shouldn't take long!

Path 2

Building a Yeti hunt game, in which a random map is generated, with 4 numbers placed randomly across, first to locate all 4 numbers wins a sum of Solana!

Path 3

Capturing Yetis: Shire, a evil yeti will be capturing floor yetis and putting them in prison, The prison will be viewable via this game and website soon, Some Yetis may escape...

Path 4

Sell Yo Rugs: Theres been more rugs then ever on the Solana Ecosystem, with this tool you’ll be able to burn those rugs and get Sol in return!

Path 5

Introduce our own concept of raid to earn, Mainly to encourage more participation in raids

Path 6

Coinflip game: We will be setting up a similar game to Coinflip, it’s currently the meta but is slowly dying out so we won’t rush to be apart of it.

Path 7

The Future
Project launch/advisory service, Mirroring DAOS, Launchpad, Airdrops, Token Utility, Calculator tool

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